Two Days Sketch Montage
Joined my WIS group sketch meeting at Bayview Nursery on Wednesday. I started a drawing in the store which is stocked with lovely plants, flowers and decorative items. A beautiful setting. Lisbeth, one of our members, sat down to sketch within my frame so I included her. I used a large vertical format watercolor pad which turned out to take too much time to fill. I ended up with a few lines delineating a bit of her and some plants in the foreground. Today I decided to consume the rest of the space with a couple little drawings of some new Daffodils popping up, nettles, a bush, a small table with Kleenex, cup of tea and various odds and ends. Just scribbles for fun. Besides Lisbeth, I'm in it too, sketching. A bit of a narrative that may describe my longing to be outside while recuperating from this bug.
The vertical wide screen is perfect. Your loose yet controlled line drawing make this sketch a pleasure.