Black Swan and Australian Roses

What a wonderful name for a Noodler's ink. It makes me visualize a swan, dark and elegant floating with red roses on a shaded pond. It's a lovely, transparent, gem-like color. Shades nicely when written. I tried it out last night on this sketch in my Punjab watercolor sketchbook. A very rough paper that's difficult to draw on with a pen. Though it was a struggle to draw, I love the effect of this ink with watercolors. It bleeds a magenta. Usually I prefer warm reds like Noodler's Cayenne. That color has a hint of brown. But this is nice and think I'll stick with it for awhile. Unfortunately the formula for this ink was changed to a more purple color. Probably equally as lovely. This is the old formula.

Messy and spontaneous Valentine Flowers with wine...


  1. I can't believe no one has commented yet on this sketch that looks like a full blown watercolor. It is so rich and beautiful, that I would encourage you to make cards from it if you were in the Gallery.

  2. You're so kind to say, Pat. Thank you. And thanks for the idea. I just signed up on Etsy, so I may just do that. I consider the gallery often, but alas, you have your fill of watercolorists, I'm sure.


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